Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Jack in the Box

Did you ever see that scene in the movie Elf, where Will Ferrell is being tormented by the laughter of the Jack in the Box whilst building toys? It is a great scene and a great movie! I digress. The point is: this is the Jack in the Box from that movie! How cool is that. I was so glad to discover this once we started carrying this toy. Not that it isn't a cool enough toy in its own right. Come on, it's a Jack in the Box. Who didn't spend countless hours as an infant, turning the little crank, listening to "Pop Goes the Weasel," and waiting with breathless anticipation for the Jester to pop out? Who hasn't spent adoring moments with a child, watching them turn the crank and jumping and laughing when the Jester pops out time after time? Who hasn't stopped at a store shelf or by a pile of toys, spied a Jack in the Box, and played "Pop Goes the Weasel" once or twice to recapture the magic?
Hey, I like JACK-IN-THE-BOX as much as the next guy, maybe more. But this Jack in the Box, has far fewer calories and hours and hours of enjoyment for both young and old.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Silly Putty

Okay, what kid hasn't played with Silly Putty? I know that it was an integral part of my childhood. It was amazing stuff from the perspective of a kid. Stretching it slowly and letting it drop on a table. Pulling it quickly and making it break. Copying the Sunday comics and then stretching Hagar the Horrible or Snoopy out of shape. I found my old egg of Silly Putty the other day while moving. I copied so much newsprint as a child that the pink Silly Putty has turned grey. Wild.

Even as an adult it maintains its coolness. If you are interested in science at all, you can learn about Silly clicking this link. It is just a piece of America that will always hold a slightly malleable piece of my heart.