We got some abacuses in the store yesterday. Yes, I know, some of you are saying "abacuses, I was always taught to say abaci." Well, there is some measure of debate as to whether the plural of abacus is abacuses or abaci. Check out a fascinating article in Wikipedia here. But, I digress.
We got some abacuses in the store yesterday to replace our depleted supply. Always been a fan of the abacus, myself. I have not often had the opportunity or necessity to use one, but like them just the same. I saw a show on TV once about these kids who would practice with abacuses so much, multiplying enormous sums, that they were eventually using abacuses that weren't there; moving their fingers in the air or on the table, tabulating. Wild.
Well, don't just sit there, check out an abacus here. We don't care if you order 2 abacuses or 3 abaci, you will always be welcome in our store!