Friday, March 19, 2010

Boomwhackers by Whacky Music

I am not a musician by any stretch of the imagination. Still, I appreciate the inherent coolness of the Boomwhackers. Smack these tubes against something and they will each produce a specific tone. It sounds a little crazy but it is rather neat! Since the tubes are of varying height, or length, depending on how you look at it, you can easily put the notes in order. They are also clearly labeled and brightly colored.

The biggest seller at Town Square Toys is the one shown, the C Major Diatonic Scale. That is also the one listed in the Parents' Choice list of the 25 greatest toys of the last 25 years. These Boomwhackers are a Gold Award winner. You might be interested in some of the other Boomwhacker toys as well. We have a whole section on them. To me, the coolest is the Octavator! No, it is not a robot or super villain. It is a bunch of caps that you can put on your Boomwhackers to lower them a full octave! It instantly increases your Boomwhackers' tonal range. Come on by and check them out and start whacking something musically near you!

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