Saturday, May 28, 2011

Toy Review - Luck of the Draw by Game

So, we brought this game home last Friday night and played it with the kids.  I have to say that it was a lot of fun.  It was more fun than I thought it would be, actually.  It is like Pictionary, but with a several key differences; and, therein lies the extra dose of fun.

You see, in Luck of the Draw, you don't take turns drawing.  Everyone draws together!  It is crazy.  And, you don't get the chance to take your time either.  The timer is set for about 45 seconds!

Each round, you take turns rolling the die and picking a card.  Based on the number on the die, everyone draws whatever subject corresponds to that number on the card picked.  So, if the die rolls to a "3," everyone will draw the 3rd thing listed on the card picked.

After everyone feverishly draws for 45 seconds, when the time runs out, you all place your drawings, face down, in the middle of the table.  They are mixed up, so no one knows whose is whose.  A colored chip is placed on each one.  Now, the die is rolled again and between one and three descriptive cards are drawn.  Everyone votes, using cool color wheels, on which drawing best matches the descriptive card(s).

That is the beauty of the game.  It doesn't matter how good of an artist you are, or how bad of an artist you think you are.  You may be voting for the "neatest" or "cleanest" drawing, or you may be voting for the drawing that "most looks like it was drawn with the wrong hand" or "cutest."  Anyone can win.  It's the Luck of the Draw!  Get it?

Just to put it all in perspective:  the game says it is for 10 and up.  We played with our two teenage boys and our six year old daughter.  The six year old won.  But, we all had a blast.  You will too; try it out today.

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