Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday? Maybe Red and Green!

Well Black Friday came and went, and it was so much fun.  Yes, it was a bit of work, too.  But, Black Friday at Town Square Toys wasn't like Black Friday is at other stores - from what I hear.  Customers were pleasant and genial all the day long.  We heard great stories of shopping experiences that started at midnight and others that started at all hours of the morning.  We were, of course, not open until 8AM and so we didn't have any of that insanity. 

But, as I sit here and ponder the name, Black Friday, I am thinking that it is not truly apropos, at least for Town Square Toys.  I mean, Christmas was in full effect so it could have just as easily been called Red and Green Friday.  Watching the sky turn beautiful colors as the sun set might tempt one to call it a Golden Friday or a Pink Friday.  Once we plugged in our Christmas lights around the store, it could be called a White Friday.  I am sure, if I continued, that I could come up with other colors as well, but I won't.  Let's just say it was a very Happy Friday.  (I am not sure what color "Happy" is; maybe it is a combination of colors - maybe plaid?  Nah!)

Only 30 days until Christmas!

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