Monday, June 6, 2011

If You Build It...They Will Play

So, I never had any Erector sets when I was growing up. I don't know why. I had a plethora of toys, so I am definitely not complaining. But, when I was grown up, I looked back on occasion and wondered, "why no Erector in my life?" Maybe my parents didn't like small nuts and bolts around the house. Maybe they were not a bit fan of metallic toys in general. Maybe they never really gave it this much thought. Regardless, no Erector.

Now, though, through the magic and wonder of Town Square Toys, we have Erector sets aplenty! We have more Erector sets than you can shake a stick at! We have sets that they never dreamed of when I was a wee lad. There are motorized Erector sets. There are Erector sets that allow you to build all kinds of different models. There are even Erector sets that are made of plastic! That's right, now you don't have to worry about little nuts and bolts getting sucked up into the vacuum cleaner; you will see the slightly larger, plastic bolts before your vacuum gets too close!

Check out some of the variety below:

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